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Terms and conditions of account deletion.


Please read this information carefully; if your request for account deletion is accepted, your account will be irrevocably cancelled.

Do not request account deletion if you do not understand or agree with the information below.

The account deletion request form is intended for use by existing account holders only.

The name, email address and player number that you provide on the form, must be the same as those used for your existing CourtReserve account. 

By submitting an account deletion request, you acknowledge that you are the account holder for whom the account deletion request is being submitted.


You understand that by submitting the account deletion request form, you are authorizing Doylestown Pickleball to irrevocably delete your Doylestown Pickleball CourtReserve account.  You further understand that if your account includes a membership, that membership will be irrevocably cancelled at the time of account deletion.  In such circumstances, and if appropriate, a partial refund of any unused portion of a membership may be refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions of Membership Cancellation and Refunds.

Reason for Requesting Account Deletion.
Please provide a brief explanation for your request; it may help us better understand the needs of our account holders.


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4425 Landisville Road. 

Doylestown, PA 18902


With over 50 acres, Camp Curiosity offers a fun spin on the traditional camp experience that allows your camper to engage in a variety of activities focused on our four core areas:  Discover, Explore, Invent, and Create.




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