Individual Rotational (Flex) "Partial" DUPR
League Type: Individual Rotational (Flex)
"Partial" DUPR
Session Fees: All league sessions are included in the league registration fee.
DUPR: A searchable DUPR account is mandatory, but a minimum rating is not.
Opt-In / Opt-Out Deadline: Two hours prior to each session start.
Penalty for Missing Game Days: One ranking place (applied cumulatively).
Players register and compete as individuals. Game play is doubles.
This league type will run for a predetermined number of weeks (sessions). Each session will generally be played during the same designated time slot once per week. If a session is cancelled for any reason, and where scheduling permits, an additional session will be added following the same schedule pattern where possible.
Player operations described below must be done via the "Leagues" section found on the CourtReserve dashboard. League registrants are strongly encouraged to use the CourtReserve app to manage their league registration and participation.
A Doylestown Pickleball CourtReserve account and a DUPR account are required for league registration and participation. Additional DUPR requirements exist; see below under "DUPR". Players register individually for the entire duration of the league. The league fees are payable in full at the time of registration and are not refundable, wholly or in part, for any session in which a registrant does not play.
Registration is available until six hours prior to the scheduled start of the first game day. Players will be seeded in the order of their league registration (see "INITIAL SEEDING" below).
Although it is assumed that all league registrants will play in every available session for this league, such complete participation is not mandatory. Players may miss sessions if they are unable or unwilling to attend. Note that players that do not participate in any given session for any reason, shall be penalized by one ranking place.
During the seven (7) day period prior to each scheduled weekly session, league registrants must opt-in in order to participate in that session. Opted-in players may also opt-out again during that seven day opt-in/opt-out period if necessary. Note that all players are opted-out of every session by default.
After the opt-in / opt-out deadline, the list of registered players for that session will be considered finalized.
When the players for any given session are finalized (see "weekly opt-in" above), the session matches will be generated. Matches will be based on four and five player rotations; the number of each rotation type depends upon the number of players taking part in the session. Depending upon the rotation types generated for each session, the four or five players with the highest ranking will play together and then the next four or five highest ranked players will play together and so on, working down the rankings, until all players are assigned to a rotation. After matches have been generated, and using CourtReserve, registered players may view the scheduled matches, court assignments and rotation types.
Example 1. 12 players = Three x four player rotations.
Example 2. 13 players = Two x four player rotations and one x five player rotation.
Example 3. 27 players = Three x four player rotations and three x five player rotations.
Four player rotations: There will be a total of three matches and each match consists of two games. In each match, the same teams play against the same opponents twice, either back-to-back or alternating partner (depending upon league setup). Since the same teams play each other twice, those teams shall switch ends between the first and second matchups. Each game is to 11 points (win by one). There will be six games in total for this rotation type and a possible 66 points available.
Five player rotations: There will be a total of five matches and each match consists of one game. Each game is to 15 points (win by one). One of the five players will sit out during each game (each player will sit out only once during a session). There will be five games in total for this rotation type and a possible 60 points available.
For either rotation type, the required games may be played in any order that the players themselves decide. However, if the games are played in a different order to that shown, it is important to ensure that the correct scores are entered for the appropriate games.
When both four and five players rotations are required, league ranking shall determine which players are assigned to a rotation. In example 2 above, the top eight ranked players will be assigned to the four players rotations and the remaining players will be assigned to the five player rotation.
For the first session matches only, seedings shall be based upon the order of player registration for the league. The first player to register will be the first seed, the second player to register will be the second seed and so on. Subsequent seeding (ranking) will be based upon player a player's league rank (see "RANKING" below).
Players shall be responsible for recording their scores using CourtReserve. Players are also responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all scores for games in which they participate. It is recommended that scores are recorded at the conclusion of each game such that all four players can witness and agree that the entered scores are accurate. Any of the four players participating in any given game may enter the scores for that game. When all scores for all matches are recorded for a given game day, the scores shall be finalized by the league administrator. At that point, players may no longer edit those scores.
League ranking shall be determined on a points won vs. points available percentage basis; players will move up, down or remain static in the rankings accordingly. Players that do not participate in any given session for any reason shall be penalized by one ranking place for each session missed. Such penalties shall be cumulative and applied after the rankings are calculated at the conclusion of the final league game day.
Note that players cannot move up in rank for any game day in which they do not participate.
The rules governing game play shall be those published by USA Pickleball and that are in effect at the time the game is played. In the event of any dispute that cannot be resolved by the players themselves, the league supervisor shall have the final say.
Each session shall be approximately two (2) hours in duration. All games for a session must be completed within that time frame. At the end of a scheduled session, and depending upon court and player availability, any outstanding games or any games that are in progress, may be played to completion. If courts and/or players are unavailable for any reason, play shall cease and outstanding games and/or games in progress shall be recorded as "incomplete".
The session match information indicates which team shall serve first. The serving team shall then decide amongst themselves which specific team member will serve first. The opposing team members shall decide amongst themselves which individual member will receive first.
Each team is permitted two time-outs per game (regardless of the rotation type). Each time-out period may last up to one minute. Play shall resume after one minute or when all players are ready to resume, whichever occurs first. Players themselves shall be responsible for monitoring the number of time-outs used and their duration. Time-outs may be called at any time except when the ball is in play or the server has started their serving motion.
Four player rotations: Players shall not change ends part way through a game.
Five player rotations: Players shall change ends when one team reaches eight points.
This is a "partial" DUPR league. In order for league registration to be approved, potential registrants must have a searchable DUPR account and that account must also be associated with Doylestown Pickleball and synced with the same player's CourtReserve account. There is no minimum DUPR rating requirement ("NR" is acceptable).
Doylestown Pickleball will record game data with DUPR for matches played towards the later stage of the league as follows:
If the league duration is an even number of sessions, DUPR data will be recorded for the second half of the league (for example, if the league duration is eight sessions, DUPR data will be recorded for the last four sessions only).
If the league duration is an odd number of sessions, DUPR data will be recorded for the floor of half the number of sessions (for example, if the league duration is seven sessions, DUPR data will be recorded for the last three sessions only).
Players may decide amongst themselves if they wish to record data with DUPR for the league games for which Doylestown Pickleball will not be recording match data with DUPR. Such an arrangement must be made with the full agreement of all four players involved in each game prior to its start. Please respect the right of your fellow players not to participate in recording DUPR data if they so choose. However, players shall not "cherry-pick" matches for which data are recorded.
Substitutes are not typically required for this league format. However, if registrant numbers are low for any given session such that rotations cannot be generated, substitutes may be included so that play can take place. Where practicable, the suitability of a substitute shall be agreed upon by the majority of session participants remaining. If a suitable player cannot be found or agreed upon, that session may be cancelled with a replacement session being scheduled at a later date. Doylestown Pickleball will not record DUPR data for games if substitution has occurred. League registrants are not obliged to find substitutes.
Using CourtReserve, registered players may view the league standings at any time after session dates have been established. The following data will be available:
- Current rank* (including change from previous ranking).
- Total points won.
- Total points available.
- Total points won (%).
- Total number of games played.
- Total number of games won.
- Total number of games lost.
- Total games won (%).
- Form (most recent session).
* Current rank will not reflect any accumulated penalties until the league has ended.