Scheduled "game day" sessions:
09/17/23 9:00 AM
09/24/23 9:00 AM
10/01/23 9:00 AM
10/08/23 9:00 AM
10/15/23 9:00 AM
10/22/23 9:00 AM
10/29/23 9:00 AM
11/05/23 9:00 AM
The main league registration period ends 09/10/23 at 9:00 AM.
Extended registration begins 09/10/23 at 9:00 AM and ends 09/16/23 at 9:00 AM.
How are the initial seedings (rankings) decided?
The initial seedings will be determined after the main registration period ends. This is simply a one-time randomization of the list of registrants at that time. The randomization is executed using CourtReserve’s own algorithm.
Are players still able to register after the main registration period ends?
Yes, subject to places being available, the extended registration period will remain open until the date and time shown above. However, players registering during the extended registration period will be placed at the bottom of the newly seeded league in the order in which they register.
I'm registered for the league, am I all set to play in the first game day?
No! All league registrants must opt-in to each and every game day session in which they wish to play.
What is Opt-in?
During the seven days before each weekly game day session, league registrants that want to play in that game day must opt-in to do so. Note that all players are initially opted-out by default.
Any player that has not opted-in two hours prior to the start of the game day session will not be included in the games for that session.
Opt-in allows league registrants to choose whether they are going to play in the next weekly game day session or not. It is assumed that most (if not all) league registrants will be opting-in to most (if not all) game day sessions.
However, if a league registrant is unable to make it to a given game day session, they may simply do nothing and, therefore, not opt-in to that particular game day session.
Example of opt-in timing:
Game day session 09/17/23 9:00 AM
Opt-in begins: 09/10/23 9:00 AM (i.e., seven days before the next game day session is scheduled to begin).
Opt-in ends: 09/17/23 7:00 AM (i.e., two hours before the next game day session is scheduled to begin).
How do I opt-in?
Login to CourtReserve. Your dashboard should show upcoming league game day sessions that are available for opt-in.
Note that the (opt-in/opt-out) button shows the action that will be performed, NOT your current status.
For example, if the button shows "OPT-IN", you must tap/click that button in order to opt-in to the session shown.
How do I opt-out?
Login to CourtReserve. Your dashboard should show upcoming league sessions for which you are opted-in.
Note that the button shows the action that will be performed, NOT your current status.
Navigate to the session for which you wish to opt-out. Tap/click the button that shows "OPT-OUT".
You may not opt-in or opt-out within two hours of a game day session scheduled start.
If circumstances arise such that this becomes necessary, please contact the league administrator promptly. However, please don't let this be you!
Game Day Matches and Scoring:
Players are responsible for being on their designated court with their designated partner and designated opponents.
Player are also responsible for recording scores for all games in which they participate and for verifying the accuracy of scores entered for all games in which they participate.
The information below will only be available in its entirety approximately 60 – 90 minutes before the actual game day session begins. This is because matches cannot be created until all the opt-ins have been finalized.
Who is my partner for each game?
Who are my opponents for each game?
Which court am I playing on?
Which rotation type am I playing? (Two games to 11 or one game to 15).
How do I record game scores?
Login to CourtReserve.
Select the league in which you are interested (some of you may be playing in more than one league). This may be done from the dashboard directly or the “Leagues” option (also on the dashboard).
Select “GAME DAYS” (near the top of the screen) and ensure that the correct “Game Day” is selected from the dropdown menu.
Selecting the “MY GROUP” tab shows your matches for the selected game day. This information includes your partner, your opponents, your court assignment and the rotation type (i.e., two games to 11 or one game to 15). This section also allows you to record your scores for your matches.
The “ALL MATCHES” tab allows you to view all scheduled matches for the selected game day. In this tab view, you may enter scores for your own games only.
Use the "Leagues" link on your CourtReserve dashboard for your own league management.
