On Tuesday, Nov 7, 2023, Bucks County IU hosted the Bucks County Health and Physical Education Conference at Bensalem High School.

We had the fantastic opportunity to work with 80+ Physical Education Teachers and Administrators from a few schools around the Bucks County Area. Working with the Bucks County IU, we set up six indoor pickleball courts at Bensalem High School Gymnasium to teach them more about the game of pickleball.
A very special thank you to our Members/PPR Coaches who volunteered to help with these classes.
Information for Schools and Phys Ed Departments/Teachers
Acquiring Equipment
Selkirk Growth Program - APPLY - https://www.selkirk.com/pages/growth-program
Paddle Donation Program - Work with your local pickleball club or store to start a donation bin for those upgrading to new paddles, so their old paddles can be donated to your school.
Bucks IU 22 Drive: There are a few documents that have been uploaded to the Drive Portal from the IU that are available. - Contact IU
More Links and Videos coming soon!