🚨Held and Hosted by Horsham Pickleball
Questions: David McPhillips drmcpod@gmail.com
Check-in 30 Minutes prior to start.
Friday May 31 Horsham Pickleball Courts. 1025 Horsham Road Horsham PA 19044
Format: Luck of the Draw is simply a fun format where a different partner is randomly selected for each game played. Everybody will play each game with and against a random participant.
Every player registers individually at their designated skill level. You do not need a partner for luck of the draw.
Mens Intermediate - Limit 16 participants 4:30 Start
Womens Intermediate - Limit 16 participants 4:30 Start
Mens Advanced - Limit 16 participants 6:30 Start
Womens Advanced - Limit 16 participants 6:30 Start
Pay only after you register here on Sign Up Genius. $20 Entry fee.
Payments due immediately upon registration.
Unpaid registrations are moved to waitlist.
Cash-Get Receipt from Sylvia Senseny at the Horsham court
Check-Horsham Pickleball Club 3377 Green Meadow Lane Horsham PA 19044.
Venmo @Marie-Molitor (3511)
Ball: Franklin X-40
No waiting. 7 games guaranteed (6 Round Robin & 1 Playoff game).
All games played to 11 by 2 or first to 15. (time limit of 13 minutes).
If tied at 13 minutes play one rally point for the winner.
No timeouts.
EVERYONE makes the playoffs -->
Top four Round robin performers play for Gold Silver and Bronze in the 7th game.
Medals for 1st, 2nd 3rd.
Raindate will not be likely.
It is the resposibilty of participants to find a substitute in case of any scheduling conflict.
Proceeds split between Horsham Pickleball Club and CHOP.
Questions: David McPhillips drmcpod@gmail.com.